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选修8《Lesson 1 Global Warming》新课标教案优质课下载

increase the awareness of protecting the earth.

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Review the words.

Ⅱ. Pre-reading

A Question.

What is the text about?

(Based on the title “Can we take the heat?” and the following pictures.)

B. The text may be about:

1. Vehicles and factories pump varieties of gases in huge quantities, especially carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, which causes the greenhouse effect and will cause some other disasters.

2. How do we take actions to wrestle with this problem and stop the disasters from happening?

Ⅲ. Skimming

A Question.

What is global warming?

Global warming means an average increase in the Earth’s temperature which leads to climate change.

Read the text and match the heads with the paragraphs.

1. Draw readers’ attention to the topic by asking questions.

2. What should human beings do.

3. What is global warming.

4. Consequences of global warming.

5. What cause global warming

Ⅳ. Scanning

Multiple questions:

Careful reading:

Para.1Introduction: Human beings are causing____ and it is believed that ________ could be one of the biggest______ in the 21st centry.Para.2Definition: Globle warming refers to_____ in the Earth’s temperature that, in turn,______ climate change.Para.3Causes: Many experts insist that the blame for this global warming can mostly____. Para.4Consequences: If we continue to produce greenhouse gases______. There will be more______ such as floodings, heat waves and droughts.Para.5Action: All governments have a responsibility to ____ and each person should_____.

V. Post reading