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选修8《Lesson 1 Global Warming》新课标教案优质课下载

know the serious consequences that global warming may cause

realize the importance that we need to take action

Teaching methods:

Prediction, pair work, fast reading, careful reading, group discussion

Teaching aids:

Some slides, a projector, a computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 pre-reading

1. Lead- in

Use a Chinese joke to lead to the topic--- Global Warming.

Ask two students to perform the joke in English.One acts as the reporter and the other acts as the grandpa..(一记者在街头采访啊:大妈你好,请问雾霾天气对你生活影响大吗?大爷:太大了,我是你大爷!)

Ask students how much information they know about global warming and which countries contribute more to global warming: developed countries or developing countries.

2. Prediction

Enable students to consider what they will talk about if they are to write a passage entitled “global warming”.

3. Sub-title explanation

Work out the meaning of the word “take”.

Step 2 While-reading

First reading (pair work)

Go through the text quickly and grasp the general idea of each paragraph.

Second reading

Read the text carefully and answer the following six questions.

1 What is global warming?

2 What’s the use of carbon dioxide according to the text?

3 By how much has the global average temperature increased in the last 100 years?

4 What human activities are causing global warming?