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Ⅱ The analysis of the students in class

The students in senior three have good basic skills in English. They are full of energy and have

a certain interest in English learning. All of them like to talk about the hot issues and have a certain understanding of global warming. In terms of reading skills, after the previous reading practice, students are familiar with the analysis of the article’s structure.

Ⅲ Teaching objectives

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to :

have a better understanding of what global warming is.

know the serious consequences that global warming may cause.

talk about how to help reduce greenhouse gases.

arouse their awareness of protecting the environment.

Ⅳ Teaching important and difficult points

1. Analyze the structure of the text and get the key information of the text.

2. Students may have difficulty thinking of measures to help reduce greenhouse gases.

Ⅴ Teaching Methods

1. Skimming, scanning and careful reading

2. Tasked-based teaching method

3. Cooperative method

Ⅵ Teaching Aids

A multi-media courseware and a blackboard

Ⅶ Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

1.Play a piece of sweet music for students. 

2. Show students a short video about global warming.

Step2 Pre-reading


Encourage students to predict the contents.