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《Grammar Summary》新课标教案优质课下载

PartⅡ. Teaching aims:

1、Knowledge goals:

◆??to enable students to?know?their ?problems.

◆?analyses the error correction?questions characteristic.

2、Ability training?goals:

◆?enhance the students the ability to?find?errors?.

◆?enhance the students the ability to pay attention to verbs and?conjunctions?.

◆?improve the students' logical ability in reading the context of the error correction. (4)?develop the students ability to ?summarize the passage.

3、 Emotion goals?:

Carefully prepared,? enhance self-confidence, face NMET bravely.

PartⅣ:Teaching focus and difficulties:

According to the curriculum?standards and?the teaching goal,?establish the following?teaching emphases,?difficulties:

Key points:?

let the students?know what kind of problems they?often?ignored and through?practice?to consolidate it.

Difficult points:

◆ get the?students to master the?skills and strategies?to deal with the problems of the error correction

◆through the?sentence and text?correction, enhance students ability to solve?problems.

PartⅤ. Teaching theories and methods

When I deal with this lesson. I’ll do my best to carry out the following teaching theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director an organizer, or a designer; Combine the language structures with the language functions; carry out task-based learning. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Since it is a special subject revision, it is very important to develop the students’ ability to solve problems. I’ll use some methods such as some fashionable sentences as lead-in, put forward questions, analyze the problems and list the solutions, the method of error correction, the principles and limerick. In class, I’ll try to use encouraging and polite remarks such as “Do you want a go?” “volunteers” “Well done!” “You did a good job!” “Thanks!” and so on. I’ll get the students to have a competition to develop their quick response. I’ll make full use of modern equipment so as to make the class more lively and interesting.

PartⅥ. Teaching steps:

According to the demands in the outline of senior English teaching and some other reference books, I have designed the following teaching steps in order to carry on the synthetic practice of error correction and lay particular emphasis on training the students’ solving problems’ ability.

Preparation for the lesson –put forward questions– analyze the problems – list the solutions–the method of error correction– the principles – key points–the limerick and practice –the examples of NMET–homework

Step 1. Preparation for reading (lead-in)

Use three fashionable sentences as lead-in.