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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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Teaching Difficulties: Train students’ communicative competence; Learn to talk about how was your or someone else’s weekend.

Teaching procedures

Step 1:Check the homework

Ask the students what they did last weekend.

Step 2: Play a game (guessing game)

The teacher reads some sentences to describe an activity and let the students guess “what did I do?”(according to the phrases they learned last class)

Step 3: Making a revision

1. Check the rules of turning words to simple past tense.

2. Play a game about past tense of some words.


1.Point to the 6 pictures in 1a.Ask students to match the words with the


2. Ask students to draw a happy face or an unhappy face for pictures

3.Draw pictures of a happy face and an unhappy face on the blackboard.

Write the word “fun” under the happy face and the word “not fun” under he

unhappy face. Ask students to name some activities they think are fun and

some that are not fun.

For example: fun ...- played the guitar

went to the movie

not fun... did homework

cleaned my room

Step 5: Listening

Let students listen carefully. Pay attention to what they did last weekend.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording the second time. Students listen and write down what Sally did in the chart.

Students listen to the tape once more and write down what Sally did last weekend.

Check the answers.

Sally Jim

did her homework sang and played the guitar

Studied for a test flew a kite
