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To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause

I. Warming up

Warming up by defining

Good morning, class. This period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, I’d like to know:

What kind of old things are cultural relics?

Are all the old things cultural relics?

What is the definition and classification of cultural relics?

To whom do cultural relics belong?

Keys for reference:

A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past.

B. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics.

C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions.

D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual.Warming up by presenting

Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present you some pictures. They all belong to cultural relics. Some of them are cultural sites. Some of them are natural sites. Please think these over:

Can you name them out?

Who have the right to confirm and classify them?

Keys for reference:

A. They are cultural sites: The Great wall; The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang; The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors; The Mogao Cave. These are natural sites: The Jiu Zhai Gou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area; The Huang Long Scenic and Histioric Interest Area. The following are cultural and natural sites: Mount Taishan; Mount Huangshan; Mount WuYi.

B. Only an international professional organization from UN has the authority to confirm and classify them.Warming up by discussing

Now, boys and girls, I met a “moral dilemma”. That means I must make a choice between the interests of the family and the interests of the society. Things are like this: My old granny happened to find an ancient vase under the tree in the earth of our garden. It’s so beautiful and special. Now, my family fell into a moral dilemma. Can you help us to make a decision:

A: What should we do?

B: Can we keep it for ourselves or report it to the government?

C: Have you come across such a situation — to make a difficult choice?

Keys: ABC questions can be answered in all kinds of ways. The answers are flexible.II. Pre-reading

1. Looking and saying