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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版必修3Using LanguageⅠ下载详情
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《Using LanguageⅠ》新课标教案优质课下载

This unit divides a story about the competition of two restaurants into two parts. In order to make students have a better understanding of this story, the teacher combines the part of reading and using language together, focusing on the different feelings of Wang Peng in different stages.

The Analysis of the Students

When being told this is a love story, the students should be quite excited and will have a hunger to read the passage. However, what most of the students are lacking in is reading skill, and they have no idea about how to find out key information or the clue in a complex text. Therefore, it is necessary to give them proper guidance.

Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

Knowledge aim: students can find out the feelings of Wang Peng in different stages.

Ability aim: students are able to explain what caused the change of Wang Peng and Yong Hui.

Emotional aim: students should learn form Wang Peng and develop their own personality charm.

Teaching Important Points

Develop the students’ ability of searching for the clue.

How to get the essence of the story.

V. Teaching Difficult Points

1. Develop the students’ ability of searching for the clue.

2. How to get the essence of the story.

VI. Teaching Methods

Task-based teaching and learning method

Cooperative learning method

VII. Teaching Aids

A multimedia classroom

VIII. Teaching Procedures

ProceduresTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesIntention

Step I

Inspire students to speak moreSay “Yes”Warm up the classStep II

Lead-inShow some pictures about delicious food

Speak out adjectives like “delicious”.Attract Ss’ attention and lead in the passage T: Where can we enjoy this kind of food?restaurantsReading Step III

SkimmingFind out the main characters