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必修4《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》最新教案优质课下载

b. 重点句子

Yesterday, another student and I , representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’ international students.

…I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.

She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.

2. Ability goals能力目标

a. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language.

What is the purpose of language?

What is the purpose of body language?

How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?

How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language?

b. Enable the students to understand the text.

Where are the visitors from?

How do Mr. Garcia from Columbia and Julia Smith from Britain response when they are introduced to each other?

What do Mr. Cook and the Japanese visitor do as they are introduced?

How can people express themselves besides their spoken language?

Do all cultures greet each other the same way?

Do English people and other Europeans act the same when they first meet?

Is a handshake very common in Japan?

Is a kiss often used in France when people meet?

Why are there different kinds of body language?

c. Enable the students to retell the text in their own words.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to explain the common idea—“different cultures, different body languages” with the target language in this unit.

Teaching important points 教学重点

How does body language differ among people from different cultures?
