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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 3a—3c Self check下载详情
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A question—What is rule?

Then give the definition from the dictionary.

Step 2 Free talk

Show Ss two pictures with the sentences:

Sometimes, you want to … after school/in class /at home…, but your mother will say, “No, you can’t!”

Sometimes, you don’t want to …, but your teacher will say,“No, you have to!”

Ask Ss to talk about the similar experiences (the rules) they have in their lives.

Step 3 Rules listing and presenting

1. Ss list the rules they have at home and school on the sheet.

2. Have some Ss to share the rules with the whole class. (get two Ss to take notes on the blackboard.)

Step 1

To set the scene, A

Date with Dr. Know.

To introduce the topic of this class.

Step 2

To help Ss use the target language they have learned in this unit in natural speech.

Step 3

To provide speaking and writing practice with the language the Ss have learned.

To prepare Ss for the subsequent reading and writing.

Step 4 Reading

1. Ss read two letters from Molly and Zhaopei, and underline the rules the girl girls have.

2. Read the expressions of the two girls and find out words about their feelings towards the rules in the letters.

Step 5 Discussion and presentation

1. Ss give brief answers to question 1and 2.

1.) Do you like the rules in your home and school?

2.) Who made these rules?

2. Ss work in group and discuss about question 3 and 4, and write down the results on the sheet.

3.) Why do they make these rules?

4.) What should you do?

3. Ss from different group share the results they get.

