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《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》集体备课教案优质课下载


关键To get a good understanding of the passageEnable students to talk about

first aid skills in different situationsRead the passage carefully by Using self-studying and task-based method 学 生 出 缺

席 情 况班 级 人 数56缺 席 姓 名程序与内容师生活动时间分 配

Step 1 Organization

Greetings& lead in

Step 2 Presentation

Step 3 Teaching procedures

Task 1: Fast-reading

Task 2: Careful-reading

Para.1 Talk about the function of skin

Para. 2 Fill in the blanks about the causes of first aid.

Para. 3 Different types and characteristics

Para.4 Treatment of first aidT and Ss: Greetings

(Design purpose: Arouse Ss’ attention)

T: Present Zhang Lili’s photo and ask students whether they know her story

Ss: Answer (Design purpose: brainstorming. Achieve teaching aim 1)

Task 1:

T: Suppose you were on the spot ,what would you do to help her?

S: Give first aid to Zhang Lili.

T: To let the students read the passage quickly.

Ss : After reading, they have to match the main idea with each paragraph (Design purpose: Train their skills of skimming and scanning. Achieve teaching aim 2).

Task 2:

T: Ask students to listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph ,

Ss: Finish the tasks after reading each paragraph carefully.(Design purpose: Guide them to analyze the passage carefully. Achieve teaching aim2 and aim3)
