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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 2a—2c下载详情
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3.重点短语one of symbols, cut them down, places with food and water, be in great danger, be dangerous, get lost的含义及用法。


Step1 Lead-in

Do you have pets at your home? do you like animals? Today we'll talk about animals. We'll learn Unit5 Why do you like animals? SectionB

Step 2 Description words

Teacher says: I like animals. I think some animals are cute, some are friendly, some are ugly, some are beautiful. What do you think of the animals? Have students describe the animals with the description words. What do you think of elephants? Do you like them? Next we'll learn something about elephants.

Step 3 Presentation

1.Show students the flag of Thailand and ask: Which country's flag is this? Do you know? Well, Thailand's first flag has a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are friendly and smart, but now they are in great danger. Do you want to know why? OK, let's read 2b fast and try to find the best title.

2.Have students read the article carefully, one paragraph once. then try to answer questions.

(1) Where are the students from?

(2) Are the elephants smart? What can they remember?

(3) Why are elephants in great danger?

(4) When is Thai Elephant Day?

3.Have students read the article again. Four students a group, finish 2c and talk about the answers, then show the answers.

4. Try to retell the article according to 2c.

5. Explain some important points in 2b.

(1)one of the Thailand's symbols

(2) place with food and water

(3) cut it / them down

(4) be in great danger / be dangerous

(5) things made in ivory

Step 4 Exercises

Have students do some exercises.

Step5 Emotional education

Animals are our friends, we should protect them.
