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2.To arouse Ss to pay more attention to the development of our human being. 学情分析

教学重点Listening.教学难点Listening.教学过程设计(含学法指导内容)StepⅠ. Ask students to finish the sentences without as follows.

1.After three days without food,the men were close to s________.

2.Owing to the rain,the football game was i__________.

3. __________(准确)is the most important in translation.

4.Her ___________(假设)proved to be wrong.

5.Can you a___________ the structure of the sentence for me?

Step Ⅱ.Listening

Task 1. Listen to Part 1 of the tape and try to understand “the wastepaper basket” diagram on the right and fill in the layers.

The waste paper basket

Wastepaper basket :

It is a way archaeologists use to date objects found in the ground .

Task 2. Listen to Part 2 and complete the passage below.

It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of _______ in living things. The _______ in a dead body __________ at a ______ rate. We know how long that takes, so we can measure the amount of _______ and _________ how old a bone is.

Step Ⅲ Reading

Read the passage and find out what the possible work division was between men and women in primitive societies and fill in the chart below.

Men’s tasks

Women’s tasks

_______ and reparing tools

1.________ nuts, fruit and water


2.______ ___ meat and fish for cooking

3.__________ animals

3.__________ skins to make clothes

4._________the group from harm