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《Using LanguageⅠ》精品教案优质课下载

4. Students will fully appreciate the feast in 18,000BC and try to respect and inherit.

Teaching important and difficult points:

1. How to help each other and discuss the problems in groups.

2. How to help students analyze the plots and tune of the passage.

3. How to help students write an appropriate letter of introduction.

Teaching procedures:

Step1:lead in

Enjoy some pictures of “feasts” and talk about the reasons for a feast; meanwhile, learn some new words.

Q: On what occasions do we usually have a feast?

Q: What would probably be eaten at a feast in 18,000 BC?

【设计意图】课前通过talking 的形式,引出享受盛宴不同的理由和情景。在自然导出一下关键词汇的同时,引出本文内容:a feast in 18,000 BC

Step2:Read for basic information

Q:What kind of food did Lala’s family prepare for the feast?

This text is mainly an ____________story about _____________from the perspective of _________.

【设计意图】learn some basic information of the passage, preparing for the further reading.

Step3:Read for structure

Draw the main idea of each paragraph


Step4: Read for detailed information

Para1: 1. What was the custom of family groups?

2. What were Lala’s two wishes this year?

Thinking: 1.Which sentence vividly describe her happiness?

2.What’s your standard of choosing a husband?

3.What was the standard in in 18,000 BC?

Conclusion: live in groups; live a Normadic life; attach importance to tools