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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修8Using LanguageⅠ下载详情
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《Using LanguageⅠ》精品教案优质课下载

1. Teaching concepts: Students should be the main participants during the class and the teacher is just an organizer.

2. Teaching principles: Cooperation between the teacher and the students

3. Teaching methods: Exercises, Discussions and Performs.

Teaching aims :

1. Knowledge aims: Understand the general idea of the text.

2. Ability aims: Understand the detail of the text and retell the main idea of the text .

Teaching importance: Students’ reading ability

Teaching difficult points: Students’ expressing ability in English

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ Lead in: Ask students to describe the ancient people’s life according the pictures

1. Ancient people had to hunt for their food and made clothes with animals’ skim.

2. Ancient people often used fishbone and seashells to make necklace to make themselves up.

3.Ancient people had to pick up wild fruits if they wanted to get more nutrition.

4. Ancient people often used large stones to make smaller stone tools.

Step Ⅱ Reading

1.Listen and read the text carefully and then put the following sentences in to correct orders

A. Dahu made tools

B. Lala looked back on sweet things on the way home

C. Lala got home and the relatives were prepared feast

D. turned for home after collecting foods

E. Lala welcomed to guests

Step Ⅲ Retelling

Have a dissection and then retell the text according to the following reference.

One possible version for reference

Worried about the preparation of her feat, Lala wanted to go home as quickly as possible with her collection of nuts, melons and other fruit.