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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修8Using LanguageⅠ下载详情
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《Using LanguageⅠ》新课标教案优质课下载

To talk about archaeological evidence and knowledge


Step 1: Lead in

Lead the students to the topic through a guess game.

Give the students some related words, and ask them to guess the topic “archaeology”: ancestors, remains, carbon, history, ancient culture, explore, old civilization, layers of the ground, objects under ground, grave, years taking.

Introduce some new words to the students, and briefly talk about the archaeologist’s work.

Step 2: Listening

The listening text is about the two dating methods the archaeologists use to date the objects. It contains two parts. The exercise in part 1 is for extensive listening; the exercise in part 2 is for intensive listening.

Part 1

Give the students some time to read chart.

Listen to part 1, and fill in the layers in the wastepaper basket.

Listen again, and check the answers

T: What have you learned from this part?

S: The archaeologist takes the wastepaper basket as an example in order to explain the layer method. Different layers may show the date of the objects.

Part 2

Listen to this part twice, and fill in the missing words while listening.

Check the answers.

T: What have you learned?

S: There are two dating methods. The first one is the layer method. The second one is radiocarbon dating, which is to measure the amount of carbon in the dead body.

Step 3: Speaking

Task 1 Learn to make assumption

Group discussion: These buildings were built at the same place at different times. Please work out the chronological order of the buildings in the picture.

Since you are not sure about it, you should use the assumption.

Eg. Perhaps…
