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人教2003课标版《Learning about Language》集体备课教案优质课下载


2. 教学内容分析

这是一节阅读微技能训练课。本节课文本内容选编自教材选修九第一单元,根据教学需要把文本分成三部分内容。第一部分为课文前两段,共六句话,是关于Ashrita Furman的基本介绍。第二部分关于Furman参加的运动项目与成长经历,经过个别删减与改动,编成“七选五”的形式让学生补全文章。第三部分利用第二部分补全后,为其添加适合的副标题。总的来说,文本话题贴近学生背景知识,语言难度符合高三学生水平,设置的题目形式接近全国卷高考的“七选五”形式。

本节课关于语篇知识的理论基础来自Halliday & Hasan(1976)及章振邦先生(1983)对语篇衔接手段与连贯的观点。Halliday & Hasan认为衔接包括语法衔接和词汇衔接:语法衔接包括照应(reference)、省略(ellipsis)与替代(substitution)、连接(conjunction)。照应包括代词(如he, she, it, him等)、指示代词(如this, that, these, those)、冠词the以及其他如such a等词;词汇衔接指词语的重现与同现。章振邦先生认为,句际关系包括平列、顺序、层递、转折、总分、解释、因果。结合本人对全国卷I近三年考题分析与学生的理解水平,本节课选取以上理论,重点讲解语法衔接中的照应、词汇衔接,并把衔接中的连接(conjunction)与连贯一起合并归为句间逻辑关系讲解。

3. 教学目标

知识目标:①了解关于Ashrita Furman的经历;②知道句间存在语法、词汇或意义上的联系;③知道并能在文中识别代词与指示代词所指代的词句,说出句子间的逻辑关系,指认出近义词、上下义词以及同一个语义场的词组。


情感目标:①学习Ashrita Furman挑战自我的精神;②增强对“七选五”做题的信心。

4. 教学设计与实施的详细流程

教学步骤教师活动学生活动目的时间1. Warm upPlay a video of Ashrita Furman and the events he took part in.Enjoy the video.1. Arouse students’ interest.

2. Have a general idea of what to read.before class2. Discovering1. Give students 6 sentences (in separate pieces) about Ashrita Furman.

2. Ask students their reasons of their order. 1. Put the sentences into correct order by working in pairs.

2. Tell the reason of their order.Help students discover the fact that there exist some connections between sentences.6 min3. Observe and Summarizing1. Ask students to complete the paragraphs about further information on Furman.

2. Divide the class into 3 groups and each finds out what kind of words connects sentences.

3. After students’ reports, give one example to illustrate how to integrate the three sub skills when completing the passage.

1. Complete 9 gaps in paragraphs independently.

2. Work in groups and take responsibility for each three gaps. Check the answers and discuss why.

3. Elect a group leader to report their answers and findings to the class.Guide the students to summarize three kinds of connections within sentences and the sub skills of completing the passage.20 min1. Ask students to match the given paragraphs (which is the complete version read before) with appropriate sub titles.

2. Ask students their reasons and provide further explanation.

3. Ask students to have a brief summary of the skills mentioned.

1. Choose the three suitable subtitles from six ones for the paragraphs.

2. Give reasons of their choice. Guide the students to summarize the connections beyond paragraphs.14 min4. ApplicationHomework – Finish the integrated exercise and give reasons of their choice based on the sub skills mentioned in class. Apply and consolidate what is learned in class.