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选修9《Learning about Language》集体备课教案优质课下载

Teaching difficulties and key points: Help the students master how to use noun

clauses naturally and fluently in English writing.

Teaching aids: 1. a projector

2. a multi-media computer system

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Greetings and lead-in

share with the students a piece of video which is about a survey among the students on English writing and lead in the topic

Step 2: review of the noun clause

task 1 review the leading words of noun clause

task 2 discuss how to decide the leading words

task 3 practice ( fill in the blanks of a letter)

Step 3: discussion on how to use noun clause while writing

tip1: 1+1=1

tip 2: it

Step 4: practice

1.ask the students to make up some sentences by using noun clause according to the pictures.

2. ask the students to translate some sentences by using noun clause.

Step 5: summary and homework (group work)

summarize the content of this class and ask the students to write an essay by using noun clause.