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人教2003课标版《Using LanguageⅡ》最新教案优质课下载

Step 1, daily speech…. Students can communicate with each other , express their emotion and opinions freely in English.

Step 2, passage A. 一则记叙文,关于聆听的故事 4 Students cooperate with each other to explain 4 questions (细节理解题) and 1 students introduce a song named “ Thank you for hearing me ”and illustrate the importance of “listening”.

Step 3 passage B.一则说明文,介绍一个软件called snapchat。1 student present the slogan and creator of the app. And 4 students work together to make 4 questions clear.( 细节理解题)

Step 4 passage C 一则科普文,介绍一个自然奇观---sailing stones.

1 student recommend the magic natural scene---sailing stones in the form of pictures . and the other 4 students expound the 4 questions in groups (3个细节理解题和一个主旨大意题)。

Finally I will show how to do the 主旨大意题 in details . 针对性 ,全面性,概括性,哲理性,新颖性

Step 5 一则广告,伦敦旅游。3 students will finish the 3 questions in groups (2个细节理解题和一个篇章结构题)。 And the last student will guide us to travel around London in the form of pictures .

At last I will show how to do the 篇章结构题。

Step 6 七选择五题型,关于日本的一个发明旋转椅子。10 students will tell us how to do the 5 questions and the skills of this type of questions and the interesting chairs vividly.

Step 7 conclude the class. 学生通过合作的方式不仅仅学到了4种阅读理解的答题技巧,而且也开阔了视野,懂得了聆听的重要性,大自然的鬼斧神工,伦敦的旅游胜地以及英国和日本人的伟大发明。。。。。