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《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》新课标教案优质课下载

Analysis of the teaching material广东省高考英语听说的PART A 部分的主题通常都与教材的课文主题有所联系,其中的词汇和表达在课文里通常都有迹可循。

本课结合人教版教材Book 6 Unit 5 The power of nature的课文内容,进行广东省高考英语听说PART A的“大声朗读”训练。本着以学生为主体,着力训练他们的英语听说,教师将课文录制成高考英语听说PART A的形式,设计了很大部分的词汇游戏环节,想方设法地带动学生们参与,不知不觉地开口说英语。

The topics of PART A tested in the English Listening and Speaking of the University Entrance Examination of Guangdong Province are mostly related to the text books, in which many words and expressions are listed.

This class tries to combine the text passage of “Unit 5 The power of nature” in Book 6 and the training of PART A “Reading aloud” in the Listening and Speaking test. Focusing on motivating the students to act and speak out, the teacher has turned part of the text passage into a video-in the form of PART A test and designed a vocabulary game to encourage them to participate in. Hopefully, they can blurt out the words and speak English unconsciously.

The teaching material(教材节选):


Analysis of the students

?我所带的高二年级的大部分学生已经掌握了一些基础的英语词汇,基本上可以完成简单的英语口语朗读的任务。但是在遇到生词和长句的时候,也许会存在不同程度的困难。而且,他们对于如何好好利用课本,如何在日常课堂学习课文的同时,有意识地训练和提升英语听说能力,以及怎么样逐步地提高高考英语听说PART A的得分等方面,还存在疑惑,需要教师提点和演示。

Although most of the Senior Two students I am teaching have already mastered some basic English words and expressions and can fulfill some simple English reading tasks, they still have difficulties in reading aloud some difficult and long ones. Moreover, they have no idea how to make good use of the textbook and don’t know how to improve their listening and speaking skills while learning the text passages in class, not to mention how to get a better mark in PART A “Reading aloud”. To solve the puzzles, they need the teacher to give them some tips and examples. 教学目标

Teaching Aims and Demands教学目标


给学生们展示如何好好利用课文来提高广东省高考英语听说PART A“大声朗读”的能力,并指导他们将课文流畅地朗读出来

Teaching aims

The pronunciation of the words and expressions in the text passage.

Show the students how to make good use of the text passage and guide them to read it fluently so as to do better in the test of PART A “Reading aloud”. 语言技能目标




Language Skills

The standard pronunciation of the word

How to read aloud the whole sentence by paying attention to liaison, sense groups and pause and so forth.

Learn to read the whole passage fluently. 学习情绪及态度



Emotion and attitude towards learning