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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修11Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending下载详情
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选修11《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》公开课教案优质课下载

Aids: PPT, blackboard

I. Contents

1. Vocabulary

Active words: appeal to, core, anticipation, drop into, expectantly, dozens of, unsettling, assessment

Passive words: in disbelief, agro-scientific, co-operate, now and again, interpersonal;

2. Reading: Making a choice

II. Objectives

1. Instructional objectives:

1) Students are able to memorize and read the new words correctly;

2) Students are able to use the following reading skills to comprehend the text such as predicting, skimming, scanning and reading for details;

3) Students are able to make a choice about how to choose their jobs by using these tips that they have learnt today.

2. Educational objectives

Students know how to choose a good job.

3. Personal objectives:

1) I can design activities more efficiently and properly;

2) I can do better classroom management.

III. Focal points:

1. The usage of some reading skills such as skimming, scanning and read for details;

2. The tips of making your choice.

IV. Difficult points:

1. The application of these new words: appeal to, core, anticipation, drop into, expectantly, dozens of, unsettling, assessment

2. How to choose a good job and apply these tips in your real life.

V. Procedure and time allotment

Stage 1: Greeting (1 minute)

T: Good morning Class.