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3. Emotional Target: Enable the students to raise the awareness of being bold in the daily life; Enable students to establish a positive attitude towards their life.

Teaching important points:

Help students to know how to read a passage thoroughly, what aspects we should consider when doing reading comprehension.

Help students know how to analyse the structure of a passage.

Teaching difficult points:

Make students understand the structure of this passage as well as the purpose of the author, and try to be bold.

Teaching methods:

Group work & individual work

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Task-based reading

Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past ? 细节理解

What is the implied meaning of the underlined part? 猜测词义

What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game? 细节理解

What can be learned from Paragraph 5? 推理判断

What's the main idea of this passage? 主旨大意

Step 2 Read for structure

What’s the writing style of this passage? Narration&argumentation

part1 (para.1- ) part2 (para. ) part3 (para. ) part4(para. )

Step 3 Read for language (Group work)

Group1 Para.2 Guess the meaning and translate this paragraph.

Group 2 Para.3--Para.4 Fill in the blanks

Group 3 Para. 5--Para.6 Choose at least three words from these words and make a speech limited to 100words about your ideas about them.

Step 3 Read for values

Something attempted, something done. ----Longfellow So, try to live a little bit beyond your abilities, and you will meet a better you.