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高中英语语法与词汇《Structures in Use、Grammar in Use》新课标教案优质课下载

1.Enable the students to master the correcting methods.

2.Get the students to complete the related exercises.

3. Improve the students’ ability of correcting.

Emotional aims:

Develop the students’ sense of group cooparation and teamwork.

Teaching important points:

Master the correcting methods and use them in practice correctly and properly.

Teaching difficult points:

Enable the students to master the correcting methods and use them in practice expertly

Teaching methods:

3p asking and answering cooperation

Teaching aids:

Multi-media a blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Leading-in

1.Ask the students the following question and write the question and its answer on the blackboard.

T:What day is it today?

S:It Friday.(The teacher writes the wrong sentence on purpose.)

T: Am I right?

S: No.

Ask one student to answer where is wrong and how to correct and the teacher adds “is” using proper error correction symbols.

2.Show the following sentence on the slide

In our everyday lives, if we make some mistakes, we should correct them, and then we are still a good fellow. (chairman Mao’s words)

Step II. Presentation

1. In our daily life , everyone will make a mistake, if we correct them in time , we are good fellows. And also when we are using a language, we may make some mistakes. Do you want to correct them? OK, today we are going to learn “how to do proof reading”.(show this topic on the slide)”