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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版六年级上册Unit 7 Rules round us下载详情
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Teaching procedures

I Lead in

Enjoy a song : Traffic lights. Ask: What can you see in the song? To elicit : traffic lights. How many traffic lights can you see? What must we do when the traffic lights are red/ green/ yellow?

II pre-task preparation

Ask : Where can we find traffic lights? To elicit: on the road. On the road, we can find traffic lights. Also, we can find traffic signs.

Enjoy a video clip. Ask students to watch carefully and pay attention to the question: How many traffic signs have you seen?

Watch again and check the answer. We have seen 5 traffic signs.

Look and say: What does this sign mean? ( 5 traffic signs) Let students try to say something about the sign: We must/ mustn’t … Then introduce signs and rules, and tell them we usually use signs to tell about rules. Ask : Where can we find these traffic signs and traffic rules ?

Brainstorm: Where else do we have rules? To elicit : Rules are around us. Rules are everywhere. We should follow rules.

III While-task procedure

Look and read. Ask: What are Miss Guo and her students doing in the picture? To elicit: They are talking about rules.

Play the recording. The students repeat sentence by sentence.

Open books and let the students read the sentences together.

Read, think and match. Where do we have these rules? Make students match the rules with the places.

Check the answers with the students. Maybe we have the same rule in many places.

III Post-task activities

Rules tell us what we must do and what we mustn’t do.

We mustn’t do sth. = Don’t do sth.

Rules are very important and we must follow them

Discuss and match. Show eight signs and eight rules. Match the rules and signs.

Check the answers with the studnets.

Make a dialogue.

S!: What does this sign mean?

S2; We must not …

S1; Where can we find it?

S2; We can find it …

Look, think and say. In Miss Guo’s class, there are also some rules. Is Miss Guo happy or angry? What do the students do to make Miss Guo angry?

Listen and write. Which class rules are the students breaking? Write the numbers in the circles and complete the rules.

Think and say. Say the rules in another way. For example, We must not eat or drink in the classroom. = Don’t eat or drink in the classroom.

IV. Consolidation