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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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I’m going to study math really hard.

Ⅲ .Teaching procedures

Step Ⅰlead-in

T: let’s have a revision. Last week, we learned unit 5. Can you tell me how many kinds of movies you learned in unit 5?Look at the pictures and tell me please.

Ss: action movies、 comedies、 scary movies、 cartoons、science fictions、 documentaries。

T:What do you think of them? / What kind of movies do you like and why?

S1: I like comedies because it’s a good way to relax.


T: So I know all of you like watching movies. So do you want to be an actor or actress when you grow up?

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1. 展示目标词汇

T: ok, let’s watch an interesting video and tell me what the dream jobs are in the children’s hearts. (展示目标词汇)

1)ctor、doctor、 visitor 、educator

2)her 、 engineer、 writer 、reporter dancer、 farmer、 worker、 waiter 、 the bus driver、 soccer player、computer programmer

3)violinist pianist scientist artist dentist

4)policeman(警察) police officer(警官)fire fighter(消防员) astronaut(宇航员)、 construction worker(建筑工人) ballet teacher (芭蕾舞老师) Ballerina (芭蕾舞演员) cook(厨师) pilot (飞行员) be in the Army(参军)

2. Practice

(1).T: No matter what you want to be ?You must know how to make their dream come true. So finish the exercise, please.

(2).let the students stand up and say what you want to be and how you are going to do it.

S1: I want to be an engineer, so I am going to study math really hard.


Step Ⅲ listening Practice 2a

T:look at the picture, the boy is Cheng Han. What is he doing now?

Ss: He is doing homework.

T: No, I don’t think so. Look at his face. He is smiling. So I think he is dreaming and thinking about his future. Ok, listen to the conversation, you should find out what Cheng Han is going to do?

Step Ⅳ listening practice2b

1.T:We know Cheng Han wants to be a teacher in the future. But he has some other plans for the future. For example, where is Cheng Han going to move?

2.Check the answers

The teacher asks:

1) What does Cheng Han want to be?

