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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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T: Boys and girls, welcome to my class. Today we’ll learn unit 6 Section B 3a to 3c.

T: Before the class, I’d like to say I’m tired today, I feel sleepy. Do you know why?

Ss: You stayed up late last night.

T: Yeah, I’m sorry to say I stayed up late playing the mobile phone.

Show some pictures of “phubbers” to present my problem. Then use the mind-map to lead in the topic of this class —- making the resolutions.

(设计意图: 通过教师本人的实际情况创设真实情境,使学生有真切的感受,既引起学生的探究兴趣,又可以促进师生之间和学生之间的多边互动,使课堂教学变得有生气。同时运用思维导图,使学生对本节课的脉络一目了然,整体把握重难点。)

Ⅱ. Task 1----Brainstorming.

First, divide the students into 4 groups.

Then, discuss in groups and write down their ideas about these 4 resolutions on the blackboard. Each group can choose one aspect as their topic to write. They should do the task in just 3 minutes. This time, they only need to write phrases on the blackboard. It is so interesting that they can finish the activity 3b easily.


Ⅲ. Task 2 -----Complete the paragraphs about the first resolution.

T: You’re very helpful to make these resolutions for me. I’ll take some of these. Meanwhile, I hope you can keep your eyes on me to make me stick to them. Thank you!

Now, what about yours?

Are you satisfied with what you are?

Are you pleased with yourself?

Do you want to have a change?

Do you want to be better and better?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great, everyone wants to be better. So it’s time for you to write your resolutions.

Use some words and pictures to arouse students’ interest of making their own resolutions. First they need to make resolutions about personal improvement. This time, they finish the activity 3a.


Ⅲ. Task 3 ----- Jigsaw writing.

Invite students to play the jigsaw puzzle.

T: There are 3 steps you have to do in the jigsaw writing.

Step 1: Write in the jigsaw group.

Each student chooses one aspect of resolutions to write in jigsaw group. This time they should do it by themselves.

Step 2: Discuss and make a conclusion in the expert group.

Regroup to form the expert group. Discuss and pick out the best ones for their resolution.

Step 3: Do a report in the jigsaw group.

Go back to the jigsaw group. At this time, each group has got 4 aspects of resolutions.
