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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section B 2a—3b Self check下载详情
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More recently, most American remember what they were doing when the World Trade

Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.

My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.

2. Ability objects:

(1) Be able to talk about some past events in history.

(2)Be able to improve students’ reading skills.

(3) Be able to make students master some reading strategies.

3. Sensibility and value:

(1) Hope Ss learn something from the important events in history.

(2)We should be for peace and against war or terrorists.

(3)Cherish what we have and love our country.

Ⅱ. Teaching key points:

1. Master the new words, phrases and sentences to talk about some past events.

2. How to improve students’ reading skill

Ⅲ. Teaching difficult points:

1. How to improve students’ reading skill

2.How to make students master some reading strategies.

Ⅳ. Teaching methods:

Speaking ,Reading and Task-reading methods.

Group work

Ⅴ. Teaching aids: a tape recorder, PPT

VI. Teaching procedures:


Greet the class as usual.

Step 2 Warming-up and lead in

Show a piece of PPT about 29th Olympic Games in Beijing and ask students a question like this: What were you doing when the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing on August 8th, 2008? Do you remember? to lead in the topic.

Step3. Before Reading

1.Show two pieces of PPT and two videos to introduce some information about Martin Luther King and the World Trade Center(WTC).At the same time ,teach some new words.

2.Ask students to read the title of the passage and try to guess the main idea of the passage. If not, we may read the first sentences of each paragraph.

Step 4 While Reading

