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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c下载详情
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2. 提高学生合作探究的能力;培养学生对知识点归纳总结以及自主学习的能力。情感目标在任务及活动的过程中,培养学生的观察、归纳能力和合作意

识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣,增强学习的自信心和主动性。教学重点1. 全面掌握形容词和副词的基本用法。

2. 正确掌握比较级和最高级的词性变化并且正确使用比较级和最高级。教学难点能在真实情境中正确运用形容词和副词。教学策略任务型教学,主体异步教学法,小组合作探究法,多媒体辅助教学法教学准备PPT课件,投影仪教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图StepⅠ.

Studying Guide.1. Greet the students and chant an English poem “Good Better Best” and lead them to pay attention to the usage of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Show the studying guide to the students to get them to know that they’re going to learn something about Adjectives and Adverbs today, and to make preparation for the following activities.1. Greet the teacher and chant an English poem “Good Better Best”.

2. Read the studying guide to know what to learn in this class.通过英文小诗引出本节课的内容——形容词和副词,激发学生的兴趣,进入最佳学习状态,然后通过展示学习目标让学生明了本课所学内容。StepⅡ.

Self study

1. Ask the Ss to brainstorm the usage of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Show some pictures of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” to interest the students to sum up the usage of comparatives and do some exercises.

3. Ask the Ss to sum up the usage of superlatives and do some exercises according to the pictures.

4. Present some pictures to help Ss make sentences using adjectives and adverbs.

1. Brainstorm the usage of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Look at some pictures of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” to interest the students to sum up the usage of comparatives and do some exercises.

3. Sum up the usage of superlatives and do some exercises according to the pictures.

4. Make some sentences using adjectives and adverbs.利用白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事,引导学生归纳形容词和副词的用法,然后通过练习、观察引导学生总结出形容词和副词的用法,为进一步自我建构新知识做好准备。

学生在一定的语境中感知形容词和副词的用法,引导学生熟练使用形容词和副词。Step Ⅲ

Study in groups.Ask the students to discuss in groups about difficult points of adjectives and adverbs and overcome their weakness.

2. Ask the Ss to do some exercises.Discuss in groups about difficult points of adjectives and adverbs and overcome their weakness.

2. Do some exercises.使用讲练结合的教学方法循序渐进的引导学生自主归纳总结语法知识。然后通过问答、小组讨论、结构分析等任务,使学生在课堂教学过程中通过大量的练习来巩固本课的重点内容,突破本课教学的难点。StepⅣ

ExplanationAsk Ss to finish some exercises selected from

High School Entrance Examinations.

2. Ask Ss to write an article using adjectives and adverbs.1. Finish some exercises.

2. Ss write an article with adjectives and adverbs basing on the oral discussion.1.对本节课的重点、难点进行精讲,让重点、难点、争议点明确清晰,水落石出,最大限度提高学生的收益。然后通过中考链接环节,实现中考一步到位,让学生在课堂知识学习中体验、感受中考。

2. 对本节课所学知识进行了综合运用,培养学生的写作能力。StepⅤ

Summary Have Ss make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson.

Make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson, highlight the difficult points.总结、回顾本课所学便于学生课后复习。


A test and

Homework1. Have a short test with time limited.

2. Homework:

