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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1d下载详情
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(1) Students can improve their speaking ability by using target language to talk about table manners around the world and in China.

(2) Students can improve their listening ability for getting specific items in conversations.

(3) Students can improve their writing ability by using the target language.

3. Emotion Goals:

Let students learn table manners in different countries and improve their self-cultivation.

【Learning Important & Difficult Points】

Learning important points:Students can master key words and expressions.

Learning difficult points:

1. Students can listen to and get specific items in conversations.

2. Students can make a short conversation by using target language.

【Learning Procedures】

Step1. Review and Lead-in

Invite some students to act out what people are supposed to do when they meet for the first time around the world, and ask other students to guess where they are from.


Play a video about table manners and ask students to answer following questions:

T: Do you think the men behave in a right way?

S: Yes, I do.

T: What can you get from the video?

Ss: It’s important to mind our table manners.


Step2 New drills: Learn some table manners in different countries.

Show a picture about table manners in France and ask:

T: What does the picture mean?

Ss: Put bread on the table.

T: What are you supposed to do in France?

Ss: We are supposed to put bread on the table.

We are supposed to eat with forks and knives.

Show a picture about table manners in India and ask:

T: What does the picture mean?

