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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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Step I. Before-writing activities

1. Watch a video

At the beginning of the class, show a short video “The Wonder of Nature” to the students.

After watching, ask the Ss what they see in the video.

T: What have you seen in the video?

S1: I’ve seen blue sky, clean water, and beautiful snow mountains.

S2: I’ve seen colorful flowers, green grass, and clear spring.

S3: I’ve seen lovely animals living happily in the beautiful nature.

T: What a wonderful world the earth has given us! But some people don’t take care of our earth very well. Our earth is now facing many problems. Do you know what the biggest problem is?

Ss: Pollution.

T: What kinds of pollution do you know?

Ss: Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution…

2. Discussion.

Show the Ss some pictures of some kinds of pollution, and ask them to describe the pollution, find out the reasons, and give possible ways to cut down the pollution according to what they have learned in Unit 13.

T: I’ve got some pictures of some kinds of pollution. Watch each group of pictures carefully and find out: What is the problem?

What is causing the problem?

What should we do to cut down the pollution?

In order to give the Ss an example, the teacher can lead the Ss to talk about the first kind of pollution together.

T: What kind of pollution is it?

Ss: It’s water pollution.

T: What is the problem?

Ss: The river is ___________ rubbish and dead fish.

T: What is causing the problem?

Ss: People are throwing _______and some factories are putting ____________ into the river.

T: What should we do?

Ss: We should ask the_______ to __________ the factories. Everyone should help to __________ the river.

