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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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1. Knowledge objects

(1) .Target language:

I’ve just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment.

You should turn off the shower when you’re washing your hair.

(2).Review the present perfect, modal verbs.

(3).Words and expressions;

New words: recycle, napkin

Useful expressions: turn off, in a hurry, from now on, no way

2. Ability objects

(1).Improve students’ listening, speaking and writing skills.

(2) To foster students’ abilities of working in pairs and groups.

3. Moral objects

We should protect the environment and lead to a better future.

Key and difficult points

1.How to train students’ speaking ,writing and listening abilities.

2. How to use the target language.

Teaching methods

Listening and speaking, Communicative

Teaching procedures

Step1. Leading in

Show some pictures to compare beautiful scenery with bad scenery . And know the importance of protecting the environment .

Step 2. Presentation

Show some pictures to present some ways of protecting the environment .

Step3. Practice

Ask students to finish 1a, then give reasons and call on a few Ss to share their rankings with the class.

To give Ss the chance to talk about the actions they can talk to help save the environment.

Using but ---It is usually not used at the beginning of a sentence in formal writing. However, it can be used at the beginning of a sentence in speech or informal writing.

Step4. Listening

1.1c. To give Ss listening practice in the target language used in natural speech.

Culture Focus – Saving the environment

