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师梦圆小学英语教材同步牛津上海课标版五年级上册Unit 3 Moving home下载详情
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Do you like rainy day? Why?

If it’s raining outside, what will you do?


There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

项目二:Who is in the napping house?

Watch the video, remember who is in the house.

Granny, child, dog, cat, mouse

There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house, there is a bed.

A ____________ bed.

in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house, there is a bed.

A ____________ bed.

in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And on that bed, there is a granny.

A ____________ granny, on a ____________ bed.

In a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house, there is a bed.

A ____________ bed.

in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And on that bed, there is a granny.

A ____________ granny, on a ____________ bed.

In a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And on that granny, there is a child.

A ____________ child on a ____________ granny, on a ____________ bed

In a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house, there is a bed.