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师梦圆小学英语教材同步粤人版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 6下载详情
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Warming up.

1.Free talk.

2. Look at the picture about 《A Long Journey To The West》,introduce four main characters of the story.

T:There are four main characters(主要角色),Do you know who are they?

[设计意图]:课前的free talk,为学生创设一个宽松的英语对话氛围,然后通过及师生之间的互动交流,让学生了解和复习故事。从而自然引出本课话题A Long Journey To The West并通过和学生的交流,梳理、激活已有知识,自然地导入新课。


(一)、 看课件,呈现本课内容section1并学习.

师: Now Let’s learn the story.幻灯片显示:

Many,many years ago,Tangseng went on a long journey to the West.He wanted to get some important books,and bring them back to China.

Learn the new words and phrases:1、journey-旅程2、West-西方3、important books-重要的书;经书

4、bring...back- 带回5、bring... back to 带回到......eg;Peter always brings some tasty food back to school.

师: Now, let’s read in groups and find out the answers below:

Q1: Where did Tangseng go?

Q2: What did Tangseng want to do?

师:Who can read this section? (check their reading)


They met with many problems on the journey.Monkey King,Pigsy,and Sandy went with him and helped him,but sometimes they also made problems for him!It was all OK in the end.

Learn the new words and phrases:1、meet-met 遇见,遇到 2、problem 问题,麻烦 No problem! 没问题! made problems 制造麻烦 3、in the end 最后

师: Now read this section in group and find out the answer:

Q1: Was their journey easy?

师:Yes,their journey is not easy, they met so many problems these are the problems they met in the journey ,

Do you know more about it? (幻灯片呈现)


师:So,can you preform the story Met the bad man and Monkey King Beat The White Bone Monster in group for us?

Give the Ss 10 minutes to prepare to role play in group.

Ss preform the story.
