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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级上册Section C下载详情
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Ⅱ.Listen to1a and mark T or F.

Ⅲ.Group work:

Read the dialogue in groups to find out some language points.


②用法1、……怎么样? __________________________________

e.g. 放学以后一起去打蓝球怎么样? after school?

为什么不……?________________ e.g. 为什么不坐公交车去呢? by bus?

③达标测试:Would you like to h d with me? Yes, I’d like to. May I help you, sir? Yes, what would you l t e ?Let me see. W not have s fish and eggs? Good idea.Help y to some fish.Here you are.Thanks. W you like something to d ? No, thanks.

Ⅳ.合作交流 Project: We are actors! ( Work in groups and make up conversations about P75.1a. You can use the following sentences. )

Would you like to have ... with me? May I take your order / May I help you?

What would you like to eat/have? Why not ...? / What about ...?

Would you like something to drink/eat/have?

Ⅴ.课后巩固:Reading Exercise

People in different countries like different foods for their meals.

Mr. Green is from the USA. He likes chicken and hamburgers very much. He often has them in the restaurant. He doesn’t like Chinese food at all.

Mr. Brown comes from the UK. Her favorite food is fish. She has it every day. But sometimes she has some Chinese food, like jiaozi and rice.

Mr. Black’s family are from Canada. Every morning they have eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. After work, he often takes his family to the Chinese restaurant. They like Chinese food a lot. They think the food is very nice!

Read and Mark T or F

1.( ) All the people would like the same food for lunch. 2.( ) Mr. Green often has chicken in the restaurant.

3.( ) Mr. Black has rice and jiaozi every day. 4.( ) Fish is Ms. Brown’s favorite food.

5.( ) Mr. Green and Ms. Brown don’t like Chinese food at all.