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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点三年级上册Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?下载详情
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listen、 read、 say 、act

Teaching preparation and methods:

card picture video

Main procedures in teaching:

Step 1 leading-learn


2、listen to the colour song

3、T:OK . Now look at the cards.

(1) colour (teach the word with the game of “tip the word”.when the card is on the top of your head ,jump and say “colour”)

(2)yellow (teach the word with the game of “high-low voice” when the teacher say yellow in high voice ,everyone say yellow in low voice.)

(3)green ( teach the word with the game of flashing words. Teacher flash the card ,everyone guess the word.)

Other words teaching as the way.

T:now who can administering the word.(choose one to leading S to reading the word.)

T:OK very good! Now let’s play a game with the words.(T draw some marks leading S to reading the word. )

T:now let’s look at the PPT to practice the words.

Step 2.leading-explore

T say what colour is it with the picture in PPT. Choose S to answer with It’s + colour.

T show the picture to practice the structure.

Step 3.leading-practice

(1)Group discussion (group discussion with your stationery)then show it in front of the class.

(2)Pare work(look at the letter use the structure with your partner) then show it .

Step 4. Leading-expand

(1)Do the exercise

(2)Show different colour represent different character.

Step 5 in conclusion

What do you learn this class.

Step 6 homework