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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点四年级上册Lesson 7 Is she a doctor or a nurse?下载详情
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Teaching aid:

Pictures、word cards&props

Teaching procedures:

Step1:Warm up

Free talk.

Step2: Presentation

1.T :Look at me! I am a teacher./ ti: t∫? /I work in the school.(To learn the word teacher )

I’m a teacher and you’re a student. Am I a teacher or a student? I’m a teacher.Are you a teacher or a student? You are a student.

2.T shows the picture of Lulu’s sister.

T:She’s a woman. I’m a woman. And your mother is a woman, too.

(To learn the word woman)

Is she a doctor or a nurse?

3. Look at me! I’m a doctor. I work in the hospital. When you’re ill,you should go to the hospital and see a doctor.T do the action to help the students understand “doctor”. (To learn the word doctor)

4. Look at me! I’m a nurse now. I work in the hospital,too. T do the action to help the students understand “nurse”. (To learn the word nurse)

5. Listen to the dialogue and anwer:”Is she a doctor or a nurse?”

6. T shows the picture of Kate’s father and sister.

Is he a teacher or a worker? Is she a teacher or a worker?

Look! I’m a worker now.I work in the factory. T do the action to help the students understand “worker”. (To learn the word worker)

7. Listen to the dialogue again and anwer:”Is he a teacher or a worker?”

“Is she a teacher or a worker?”

8.Let’s chant.

Step3: Practise:

1. Listen and repeat.

2.Then read the dialogue together.

3.Read the dialogue in group. Then act and show.

4.Try to retell the dialogue according to the blackboard design.

5.Let the students say some other jobs.(driver, cook, farmer)

6.Guessing game.

Is he/she a …or a …? He/She is a ….

7.T shows a picture of S1’mother(nurse),ask and anwer with him with the sentence pattern,let the students make a dialogue like that.