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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点五年级上册Lesson 1 What is she doing?下载详情
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Step 1 Pre-reading

Brainstorm: sports

What sports do you like? Where do you do sports?

2. sports centre出示不同sports centre 的图片,让学生在视觉感知中理解词义,并在小阅读中练习单词的发音并体会单词在句子中的运用。

Wow, it’s a beautiful sports centre, the sports centre is very big. We can do sports at the sports centre.

3. 板书课题,引导学生根据课题提出问题。

T: Today we’re going to learn Lesson 1 (Read)Going to the sports centre. Look at the title, what do you want to know from the passage?

Ss: Who is going to the sports centre? When is he going there? What do they do?...

设计思路:sports centre是生词, 把这个生词带入图片语境,让学生在小片段中反复说、用这个词汇从而掌握它的音、义。开放式的自主提问解放和活跃学生的思维,激发他们探究文本的欲望,学生带着问题开始阅读,并在阅读中解决问题。

Step 3 While reading

Read 1:初步通读 感知课文 解决学生提出的基本问题

T: You have so many questions. First, scan the text and find the answers of when and who. Do you know the word ”scan”?

When: Sunday

Who: Mike and his family

T: Scan the text again, and find the members of Mike’s family.

板书 Mike Jill father mother Grandmother Grandfather

设计思路:学生带着问题走向文本,集中精神展开阅读,运用scanning reading的策略找出who 和when,在解决问题的同时对文本有了初步的感知和理解。

Read 2 细读课文 大声朗读

Read carefully and then answer this question. What are they doing?

学生回答,老师简笔画辅助, 通过追加问题和交流加深对语言的理解。强调不要只说单词或词组,鼓励学生用整句话表达。

学生借助板书进行描述练习。1. 师语言引领,全班齐说。2. 自己看板书练习,如果需要可以看书,而后个别展示。


Read 3 读图挖掘细节,处理难点


Mike is playing _________ with his friends, Jill _____ ______ ping-pong. Their grandmother and grandfather ______ _______ ________. They are going to have a match ________ ________. Oh, they all love _____ _____.

同桌互相检查答案,对开放性问题Oh, they all love _____ _____.进行集中讨论。

2. 第二幅图

Look at the picture carefully, what’s Mr. Green’s feeling? Can you imagine?

3. 第三幅图

Mrs. Green is watching a basketball game, look at her face, what’s her feeling? What is she shouting?