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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级上册Reading 'Protect the Earth' & Speak up 'What can we do to protect the Earth?'下载详情

《Reading ‘Protect the Earth’ Speak up ‘What can we do to protect the Earth?’》精品教案下载-舟山市优质课

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get the main idea of the poster through fast reading and learn the reading strategies like predicting, skimming, finding out topic sentences and summarizing paragraphs.

get details from the poster and understand the words and expressions in the context: poster, land, protect, light, pollution, energy, provide with, stop doing, There be,It is important to do…

understand the order of the paragraphs and figure out how to make a poster.

make a speech about the Earth and get to know the importance to protect the Earth.


Key & difficult points:

Develop reading skills : learn to read in a fast way with strategies like predicting, skimming, scanning, finding out key words and topic sentences, summarizing paragraphs.

Figure out the outline and structure of the poster and learn how to make a good poster.


Teaching procedures:

Teaching step


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Step 1

Warm- up

To arose Ss’ interest and attract their attention.

Show 4 pictures and ask Ss to identify the photo of the Earth and find out how many parts there are on the Earth.

Look at the 4 pictures, point out the Earth and figure out the different parts(the sea, land and clouds) on the Earth.

Step 2


To Lead in the topic “ Protect the Earth” and broaden Ss’ minds by asking them for their opinions about the Earth.


Guide Ss to talk about the Earth: what do you think of the Earth? What words come into your mind when we talk about the Earth?

Use some words to describe the Earth and share the ideas in groups.

Step 3


1.To introduce “Poster” to Ss, and guide them to predict what the poster is about.

2. To help Ss to open their mind and enlarge vocabulary about the topic “Earth” with a spider gram. Pave the way for the following reading.

Lead Ss to focus on the title and pictures of the poster to have a guess: what is the poster about?
