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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点五年级下册Lesson 2下载详情
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Hello,Team A. Hello,Team B. Hello,Team C. Hello,Team D.

II.Free talk:What’s the weather like today?

What’s day is it today?

What’s the date today?

Look,Mother’s Day is coming.How are you going to celebrate it?

III.Warm up:Great!I think you are good children.So,there is a beautiful song for you .

OK.What do you want to do on specil days.

IV.Lead in: Jack and Joy are making a phone call.

What special days are they talking about?Let’s watch a video.

V.New lesson:

1.Listen again.Then tell me,what would Jack like to do on Mother’s Day?

2.Make a card together.What would you like to write on the card.

3.Listen and repeat one by one.

4.Read the red sentences.And learn the skill.

5.Practice in pairs.Then work in pairs.

6.What about Joy?What would Joy like to do on her birthday?

7.Listen and repeat.Then work in pairs

8.Open the gift.Make a conversation.

9.Talk about Children’s Day.

VI.Homework:Make a card for your father.

Blackboard plan:

Unit 3 Making contact

Mother’s Day Joy’s birthday

What would you like to do? go to the park

I would like to say “I love you” row a boat

to my mother. climb a hill

make a card wear a new dress