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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点五年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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2、能够听、说、认读单词:desk, chair, on, in, underLanguage difficult point1、能够分辨清楚方位介词:on,in。

2、能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型“Where is …?” It’s in/on/under…询问物品的位置并回答。Teaching MethodTeaching Aids教师准备讲课用的多媒体课件,单词卡片,本节课用到的卡片。Teaching

ProceduresActivities & StepsStrategies and purposeWarming up


2、The teacher acts a magician. Give a magic show. The PPT shows a pencil. The teacher puts it in the hand.

为引入新课做铺垫。Presentation and practice1、 Continue the magic show. Put the pencil in the desk. Teach “in” and “desk”.

2、The PPT shows some things in the desk. The teacher ask“Where is the …?” Let the students say “It’s in the desk.”

3、Ask a student to stick a picture to the board. Using “Put the … in the desk.”

4、The magician lets the pencil on the desk. Then put it on the chair. Teach “on” and “chair”.

5、The PPT shows some things on the chair. The teacher gives examples. Ask a student to answer. Then let a student ask “Where is the …?” Another student answer.

6、Ask a student to stick a picture to the board. Using “Put the … on the chair/ on the desk.”

7、Ask a student to put the teacher’s bag under the desk. Then teach “under”.

8、The PPT shows some things under the desk or the chair. Let the students have a pair work. Using “Where is the …? It’s under the desk. / It’s under the chair.”

9、Ask a student to stick a picture to the board. Using “Put the …under the desk/ chair.”

10、Listen to the tape:

(1) Listen and number.

(2) Listen and choose.

(3) Listen, repeat and point.

11、Let’s do:

(1) Listen to the teacher and do.

(2) read it together.

(3) Listen and repeat.

12、The PPT shows a picture of Zoom’s room. Help Zoom find his things. Using “Where is the …? It’s in/ on/ under the…”

13、The PPT shows a picture of Zoom’s dream.

(1) The teacher lead the students to ask and answer.

(2) Let the students imagine where his things may be in his dream. Have a pair work. Using “Where is the…? It’s in/ on/ under the…”

14、Play a game: Hide and guess.

The teacher hide a pencil or a book. The students guess. Using “On the desk? / Under the chair? ...”

15、T:When Zoom wakes up, he wants to put his things away. But he can’t find them. His mom comes and helps him.

Show a dialogue and let the students act out.
