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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁教湘教版三年级起点四年级上册Section B下载详情
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1. Try to find friends and fun around us.

Teaching Focus

Ss are able to tell the story with the new words and sentence pattern.

Ss are able to tell a new story about Little Monster.

Teaching Aids


Teaching Procedures

Step1 Warm-up

Enjoy a song

Free talk

T: What can you do?

Do a report: Ss do the survey on the book before class. Ask a student to make a report. T ask questions according to the report.

T: Who can you swim with?

T: Where do you swim?

Ss: I can swim with my... in the swimming pool.

【设计意图】主题导入,铺垫语料。从欢乐的歌曲引入,并且通过调查表和report渗透句型I can .... with ... in/on/at/through/over/...,为接下来的阅读和写作铺垫语料。

Step2 Cover reading

Front cover reading

T: When you do sports or play games with your friends, are you happy?

T: Look at my friend Little Monster. Is he happy?

Ss: No, he is unhappy.

T: Why? Maybe we can find the answer from the title.

Ss: No one can play.

Back cover reading

T: Look at the back cover, is he happy now?

Ss: Yes, he is happy.

T: Why? What happened?

【设计意图】前后对比,设置悬念。从故事主人公Little Monster出发,根据他的情绪对比,设置悬念,激发学生探索的兴趣,并且为下面主人公的情绪发展埋下伏笔。

Step3 Picture reading

Why? (Ss read the pictures without the words and find out the answer why is the little monster happy now.)