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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)三年级下册Unit 2 I don't like riding my bike.下载详情
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Emotion objectives:

To further improve students’ enthusiasm for learning English and enhance their interest in learning.

Encourage students to actively participate in classroom activeties.

Cultivating students’ good habit of imitating and the consciousness of active competition.

Teaching key points:

Master the new words: swimming skipping riding bike

Teaching difficult points:

Cultivating the students’ ability of cooperative learning.

Develop the students’ interest in English learning.

Cultivate the students’ confidence in English learning.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Leading in(Enjoy a video)

Let the students enjoy the video(喜羊羊与灰太狼之羊羊运动会)

Free talk

Ask some students to answer the question(What does this video mainly talk about?)

Lead in new content of this unit.

Step 3 Review the words of last class and learn the new words

Review the words of last lesson

Show the pictures of words and the smiling face and an unhappy face and then ask students to answer the following questions: What is this? Do you like...?(a smiling face stands for I like...; an unhappy face stands for I don’t like...)

Learn the new words of this unit.

Show the pictures of words and the smiling face and an unhappy face and then ask students to answer the following questions: What is this? Do you like...?

Step 4 Play a game

Act and guess

(Ask some students to perform on the stage, the other students guess and raise their hand.)

Step 5 Learn the text of Part 2

Look at the video of the text.

Look at the video again.

The whole class read the sentences after the video.

The whole class read the text together.
