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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级下册Unit 1 Robots will do everything.下载详情

外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 1 Robots will do everything.》教案下载-通化市优质课

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二、Pre-listening T: You can do so many things. Me, too. Look, I can wash clothes. I can make cakes. I can tidy my room. I can do the housework. Together, housework. Ss: housework. T: And I can take photos. I can draw. Look, I’m drawing a picture. What’s it? Can you guess? S: Is it a …? T: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s a robot. Together, robot. Ss: Read “robot”. T: I like robots. Do you like robots? Ss: Yes. T: You like robots. What can a robot do? Do you know? S: It can… T: Good! You know something about robots. They can do many things now. We hope that they can do more things one day. T: One day, not now. It means, in the future. Ss: Read “one day”. 2. Present the task. Task: Talk about your ideal robot. Then, draw and write about it. 【设计意图】通过设置与学生现阶段水平相衔接、与潜在水平相适合的任务,引领学生走进生活,使学生本课的学习更具目的性和针对性。


Task 1: Get to know Daming’s robot. 1. Listen and answer the question: What can Daming’s robot do? 2. TPR: Do and say like a robot. 3. Guess about what else Daming’s robot can do. 4. Check the guesses and learn the dialogue. ⑴One day, robots will do the housework. T: Can Daming’s robot do the housework? S: Yes, it can. / No, it can’t. T: Well, let’s check what Daming says. Listen again. T: Daming says, “One day, robots will do the housework.” Pay attention, Daming doesn’t say, “can”. He says, “will”. Ss: Read the new word “will” and try to read more words like “ill, hill, bill, fill”. T: Daming’s robot can’t do the housework. But Daming hopes that robots will do it one day. He is talking about his ideal robots. 【设计意图】关注词汇语音教学,引导学生结合单词的音形,感知单词的拼读规则和发音规律,帮助学生逐步获得听音知形、见形知音的本领。 ⑵ One day, robots will help children learn. T: One day, robots will do the housework. Will they help children learn? S: Yes, they will. T: Good! Who can help your classmates learn? S1: I can. T: Thanks. Help children learn, please. S1: 带读:Help children learn. One day, robots will help children learn. 【设计意图】结合真实情境,加深学生对help children learn意义的理解。同时,通过生教生的形式,增强学生的主体意识,体现“生本”理念。 ⑶ One day, robots will do everything. T: Will robots make cakes? Will robots take photos? S: … T: Daming doesn’t mention it. But he says, “One day, robots will do everything.” One day, robots will do all the things. Ss: Read the new word “everything” and the new sentence “One day, robots will do everything.” T: Now, let's look and say. One day, robots will wash clothes. One day, robot will… T & Ss: One day, robots will make cakes/ tidy the room/ draw/ sing/ ride a bike. They will do everything. ⑷ do our homework T: One day, robots will do everything. Will they do our homework? S: No. T: Good! Robots will help us. But they won’t do our homework for us. We should do it ourselves. T: Boys and girls, look! Housework, homework, they are different. Don’t confuse them. 【设计意图】结合PPT,在文本理解的过程中,根据新知特点适时渗透词形辨别,在突显词汇教学,丰富教学内容的同时,体现《课标》在语言知识方面对学生的词汇的要求。

Task 2: Talk about Daming’s ideal robots. 1. Talk about Daming’s ideal robots. ⑴ Quick response. ⑵ Pair work. 【设计意图】聚焦重点句式,通过quick response, pair work等学习活动,点面结合,针对本课句式开展适度的语言训练,为后续的任务完成提供语言积累。 2. Talk about Daming’s robot and his ideal robots. 【设计意图】复现、内化can与 will的区别,建立篇章概念,为任务的完成提供现实可能性。 3. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Task 3: Guess about Miss Zhu’s ideal robot. 1. Show some pictures which are covered partly to students. Encourage them to guess by using “One day, Miss Zhu will have a robot. It will…” 2. Talk about Miss Zhu’s ideal robot in groups. 【设计意图】在逐图猜测的过程中,不断丰富教师理想中的机器人能做的事情方面的语言,逐步丰满表达的框架,为学生后续从口、笔头方面表达各自理想中的机器人能做的事情提供支架。

四、Post-listening 1. Talk about your ideal robot. Talk about your ideal robot in groups with the sentences: One day, I will have a robot. It will… 2. Draw and write about your ideal robot. 3. Feedback. 【设计意图】从学生的认知风格出发,通过开放性任务,在立足于教材的同时又跳出教材,体现语言与社会生活的相关性,帮助学生复习和强化所学知识。同时,将活泼的形式与有效的语言实践有机结合,分层设置任务难度,既关注全体,又体现差异,以调动不同层次的学生进行语言运用。 4. Moral education.

五、Summary and homework 1.Sumarry. 2.Assign the homework
