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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)五年级上册Lesson 2下载详情
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In every picture, Joe is wearing a hat. Because Joe likes hats. He has many hats of different colors .

B、Introduce?objectives .


Today we’re going to learn a story about “Joe’s favorite hat”.

T: Boys and girls ,by the title of story .What do you want to know? You can speak in Chinese.

StepⅡ?Presentation and practice.

Task1. Listen and answer.

T: First let’s listen to the story and with these questions.

A、Show??task. B、Self-learning?.

Q1:How many main characters are there in the story?

Who are they ?

Q2: Where do they live?

Q3:Which hat is Joe’s favorite?


T: How many main characters in the story? S1: There are two characters in the story. They’re Joe and Sarah.

S2: They live on the Puma Ranch.(Introduce Joe and Sarah are husband and wife. They can call each other darling.)

S3: His favourite hat is a black hat.

T: Joe’s favourite hat is a black hat. But what happened with his favourite hat ?

Task2: Mime and learn .( Deal with Picture 4、5、6、7)


Please listen again and find :What happened with Joe’s favourite hat?

Self-learning?. C、Communication?.

Understand the sentence: My black hat is gone. A thief, a thief.

T:How is Joe feeling ? S: sad and cry

Let’s mime it.

If you were Joe , what can you do? please talk with your partner.

S1: buy a new one. S2: call 110. S3: write a lost

Show the pictures of lost. Explain it.

Q3:What’s Sarah’s idea?

T: Yes , Sarah writes a lost.