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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section C下载详情
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1. Instructional objectives:

After the class, the students are able to:

read the new words correctly and learn the past forms of some verbs.

2. understand the text by using prediction(预测) ,skimming(略读)and scanning(细读) for details.

3. retell the text and know how to celebrate a birthday.

2. Educational objectives: the students are able to

(1) Identify how to describe what people do at a birthday party.

(2) Let students be aware of the importance of cooperation.

(3) Reinforce their consciousness of reading initiatively .

3. Personal objectives: the teacher is able to

(1) Organize class orderly and correctly.

(2) Offer help to improve students’ study in class.

(3) Perform a proper time management.

4. Focal points:

(1) To master the past form of the verbs like bring, candle, wish, blowand the past forms of some verbs

(2) To know how to celebrate a birthday

5. Difficult points:

Use the past forms of the verbs to describe what they did at Kangkang’s birthday party.

Procedures and time allotment

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning(3 minutes)

(Purpose: To build a friendly class climate, and get student involved)


T: Good morning, everyone.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.

T: How is the weather today?

Ss: ...

T: After two rainy days, it is sunny again. I’m so happy. How about you?

Ss: ...

T: Who is on duty today? Welcome!