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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版三年级下册Lesson 2 What are these?下载详情
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The key points:

Let student master the new words and sentence patterns

The difficult points:

Students can distinguish the two main sentence patterns and distinguish the new words about animals.And they can They can pronounce correctly.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm-up


Divide into groups

Lead the subject‘Unit 3 Lesson 2 What are these?’

Step 2 Presentation

Task 1 Pre - listening

T:Firstly,Let’s play a game“I like...I like...”Let’s start. (游戏)OK,now go back your seat.one、two、three、four、five!Wow, good job! The game is about animals.Do you like animals?“What animals do you like? ”Oh,you like pandas.Why? (动作)

S:They’re lovely.

T:You’re so clever!Give you a panda.问同位“Do you like animals?”若回答“Yes”就给一只熊猫。Anyone else? Why?(引导学生把Lesson 1 所学的单词和句型都用上)Oh,you like elephants.Can you be an elephant with action?(教师展示动作)Boys and girls,It’s an elephant.(引导学生一起说)Who want to be an elephant with...? And then ask them“What are these?”(学生听不明白,教师就要直接说出“They’re elephants.”)Let’s try again,OK?再问一遍。

PPT呈现Danny/Jenny/Li Ming,ask them “who’re they?”引导学生说出,Today Let’s go to the zoo with them again.

Task 2 While-listening

NOW,look at the first picture and watch the video and then choose‘Danny says and Jenny says’ watch carefully.NOW,who can choose?(解决问题)watch the cartoon and follow it.看动画学单词“bear”拿出图片问“What are these?”教授“bears”利用大小声、分组读、个人读教读“bears”,引出句型“What are these? They’re bears.”贴黑板。PPT呈现白熊和黑熊,加深句型。

利用“Watch and answer和watch and choose”解决第二幅和第三幅图片,引出“rabbit、rabbits monkey、monkeys”以及句型“What are those?”用同样的方式教授单词。为了让学生区分“What are these?和What are those?”我需要在讲台上下来回走动,帮助学生区分。

在处理完前三幅图片之后,利用“chant”帮助学生加深主句型“What are these?和What are those?”chant借助图片让学生主动说出。

紧接着利用“Watch and fill”处理第四幅图片,引出句型“Let’s go and see the ...”利用道具教授单词see.

Task 3 Post-listening

Now,listen and read along with the video.(听三遍)然后师生分角色读,然后让学生3人一组act it out and show us.(进行适时地评价,奖励小动物)

Step 3 Practice

Let’s play a game“what’s missing”(帮助学生对单词进行练习)

The second game“Passing a ball”让学生通过动作和对话,在游戏中练习主句型。

Step 4 Production

PPT呈现熊大和熊二,告诉学生他们要去动物园,让学生进行“Role play”教师先找个学生做示范,然后让学生扮演。

Step 5 Summary

1.Now ,Let’s listen a song.让学生在一种轻松愉快的氛围中结束本节课。紧接着进行德育渗透。

2.What did we learn today?引导学生读句子。