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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版四年级下册Lesson 2 What would you like?下载详情
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重点:能听懂、会说Let’s talk部分的对话,并完整表演对话。

难点:能掌握vegetables等单词的发音,并能够在具体情境中运用句型--What would you like (for dinner)? --I’d like some... , please.-What’s for dinner?等句型。





1. Greetings.(谈话问候)

谈话导入本课时内容,促进学生交流。师说:Good morning, class. Nice to meet you. Today, we’ll learn Unit 3 Restaurant. Please read after me.

2. Communication standards.(评价机制)

结合本单元教学内容,以“餐盘盛食物”为分组依据,提升学生参与热情。师结合黑板上的五个餐盘,向学生们介绍评价方式:This class, we’ll be divided into 4 groups. Every group has a plate. If you behave better than others, you will get a ‘food’ for your ‘plate’. So are you ready?

3. Sing a song.‘What would you like?’

出示课件,教师和学生边观看动画边拍手合唱歌曲’What would you like?’,思考并回答:What kinds of food do you hear about?,以此回顾关于食物的单词。


播放图片,教师询问’What do you like?’并引导学生用I like...句型介绍自己喜欢的食物。以此复习旧知,为后面的I’d like some ..., please.学习打下基础。


1、教学核心句型:--What would you like? --I’d like some ... , please.

(1)教师用表演的方式告诉学生:Well, Miss YU doesn’t like these food. Because I’d like some rice, please. 用歌谣导入并教学新句型,I’d, I’d, I’d. I’d like some rice, please.板书此句型卡片,男女生交换展示。

(2)课件出示很多食物,教师询问’What would you like?’学生个人展示,分别用I’d like some ... , please.回答。以此操练’I’d like some ... , please.’句型,并用歌谣导入、教学‘What, What, What. What would you like?’,鼓励学生进行组组展示,然后任意一小组的成员之间开火车互相问-答-问的形式进行操练。

2、教学功能句:I’m hungry.和What’s for dinner?

(1)教师接着说:Listen! Class is over! And it’s 7:00 p.m. You must feel very hungry. 导入句型I’m hungry.鼓励学生边表演边操练。

(2)然后,教师引导:You are so hungry. So, it’s time for dinner. 教读新单词dinner, /i/-/i/-dinner.

(3)接着,教师说:Now, let’s go to the kitchen and have a look - ‘What’s for dinner?’,问一次What’s for dinner?出示一道菜。当问到soup时,教师指导拼读并进行拓展操练:Yes, it’s the soup. If I ask you, ‘What would you like?’ You can say, I’d like some soup, please. Next, if I add some fish, it will become to the fish soup. If I add some chicken to the soup, it will become to the chicken soup.

(4)当学生用What’s for dinner?问到最后一道菜时,课件出示最后一道菜——vegetables,教师指导语音拼读,并通过区分蔬菜的活动,巩固读音。


(1)展现文本动画,学生观看动画,整体感知对话内容:Now, we come to Mike’s home. Let’s watch. Who are they? What are they talking about?

(2)再次观看动画,回答Mike和Dad晚餐分别想吃什么,并引导学生学习句型What would you like for dinner?教师引导:Now let’s listen again, and answer the question -- What would Mike and Mike’s dad like for dinner? Let’s ask Mike together -- What would you like for dinner? Let’s ask Dad together -- What would you like for dinner?

(3)教师出示图片,引导学生思考小狗可能想吃什么?它有可能会说什么?教师引导:Except for Mum, Mike and Dad. There is a little dog. Guess, What would the little puppy like for dinner? Oh, yes. Maybe it would like some bones. So it may say ... .以此拓展文本内容,激励学生的表现欲望。

(三)巩固拓展(Consolidation and extension)