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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版五年级上册Lesson 2 There is an old building in my school.下载详情

五年级上册(2013年7月第2版)《Lesson 2 There is an old building in my school.》新课标教案下载-青海省优质课

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 1. 课前热身

  (1)Sing a song:《We love our school.》

  (2)课件出示Lucy的学校,T: Last class, we knew Lucy is in a new school now. What subjects does she have? What does she do after school? Does she like her new school?

T:Today we are going to visit Lucy’s new school. So we’ll learn U4L2 There is an old building in my school.

【设计意图】由欣赏歌曲自然导入本单元的主题“school in Canada”,师生拍手跟唱,调动了学生的积极性,同时复习巩固了已有的旧知,另外,通过复习上节课学过的关于露西学校的句子,为学生进行本节课的交流做好铺垫。

  2. 新课学习

(1)教师指课件上Lucy的新学校说:Lucy send me a photo of her school.单词卡学习send和photo。并且告诉学生This is Lucy’s new school. Can you describe it? Really? Watch the CD ROM and find the answer.(课件播放第一段)然后找生起来回答It’s not big, but very beautiful.

(2)教师说:What else do you want to know about her school? 找学生起来说出自己想知道的内容。T: Let’s watch the CD Rom again. This time, you can find out what’s in her school.看完后让生看课件选择。

(3)教师按照刚选出来的场所教building, tree, gym,building采用单词卡教读的形式,tree用课件呈现单词travel和see,然后组成tree,让学生自己尝试拼出来,然后师指着课件上的树说:Do you know the tree? Yes, It’s a maple tree。There are many maple trees in Canada. So there is a maple leaf on the flag. gym教完要指着图问生:What are they doing?并在黑板上简笔画画出这些场所,同时贴单词卡。

(4)教师告诉学生:There are so many beautiful places in Lucy’s school. Then how to introduce these places? Read by yourselves and underline the sentences.

   = 1 \* GB3 ① There is an old building in my school.教师贴句子,在课件上呈现Lucy的教学楼,然后找几个学生起来读句子。教师要指导读这个长句子时要注意停顿。T: There is an old building in Lucy’s school. Is there an old building in our school? Ss: No, there are three buildings in our school.

   = 2 \* GB3 ② There are many trees and flowers.教师贴句子,并找学生读句子。教师同时在黑板上原来的树旁边再画几棵树和花,让学生齐读句子。然后课件呈现几幅学校花草的图片.教师引导学生一起描述:There are many trees and flowers in our school, too. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There are many trees and flowers in the field. We should protect them.

   = 3 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ③ There are many books in it. 课件呈现一个图书馆,教师找学生起来读句子,同时教师在黑板上简笔画画出图书馆。T: Oh, there are many books in it. Look! They are English books, story books, music books and so on. Boys and girls, do you like reading? I like reading, too. We can learn a lot from them. So let’s keep on reading.

   = 4 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ④ There is a new gym in my school.课件呈现体育馆的图片,然后找几个同学起来读句子。课件呈现图片,师:There is a new gym in Lucy’s school. Is there a new gym in our school? Ss: No, there isn’t. There is a playground in our school.

T: If we want to be healthier, we should do sports everyday.

【设计意图】通过出示课文背景图,快速引领学生进入课文情境,并提出一个相对简单一点的问题,通过观看动画光盘,让孩子对课文有大体了解。既有利于引导学生在进入课文时理解问题,同时,将send, photo两个新单词放置在此讲授,简笔画的运用,既活跃了课堂气氛,又让学生对课文内容有一个更形象直观的理解。通过展示图片,告诉学生要坚持读书和每天做运动,情感教育真正做到了润物细无声。

(5) 教师让学生齐读一下板书四句话,并让学生观察这四句话把它们重新排列一下,然后说出分类的理由。Now let’s think about the four sentences. Can you rearrange them? Why?


(6)自编chant,There is a building, there is a building, in our school. There are many trees and flowers in our school.让学生在chant中练习there be句型。


(7)教师对学生说:露西的学校还有什么?T: What else in her school? Can you guess? 课件呈现语言支架There is_____in her school. There are _____ in her school.

(8) Listen, point and say.教师要提醒学生注意语音语调,读到there be句型时找单个生起来读。




Super brain最强大脑,课件设计两个场景library和classroom,每个场景设计四到五块拼图遮盖,给生五秒钟的时间记住,然后拼图遮盖起来抢答。
