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师梦圆小学英语教材同步北师大版三年级起点四年级下册Lesson 1 Can I help you?下载详情
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2. 能用所学的句型进行简单的购物:Good morning. Can I help you ?I want a pencil. Do you have one? ….

3. 通过学习故事能用英语进行买卖交际

Teaching aims: 1. 理解课文故事并熟读课文

2. 能用所学的句型进行简单的购物Good morning. Can I help you ?I want …

Teaching difficulties: 1. 掌握课文及生词them,new,an old one

2. 听懂、会说“I want …. Do you have …?”,并能在一定情景中运用

Teaching aids:视频, 教科书, PPT课件,实体物品,卡片

Step 1 Warm-up


Let’s sing: Oh,my uncle has a store,

Step 2 Presentation

Review: I’m hungry. I want some chicken.

What’s your favorite food ?

My favorite food is hamburger.

What’s your favorite drink ?

My favorite drink is water .

It’s healthy .

2.Now,I’m thirsthy.Iwant some water.Do you have any...?Let ss answer: Yes,I do. Here you are .

3. Ask some students, T: I want a pencil/ book/ruler. Do you have one?

4.Students can answer, S: Yes, I do. Here you are .

5.Let ss read aloud and ask ss say: I want a pencil. Do you have one?

6.Now this is my store.I’m a shop master. What do you want ? Ready?

T: Good morning. Can I help you ?( 你要买什么? )

S: I want a pencil. Do you have one?

T: Yes, I do. Here you are .

S: Thank you.

Step 3 Reading

Today we are going to learn Unit 10 Mocky’s store Lesson 1 Can I help you ?

Listen the story twice carefully, then complete the sentences

Lulu : I want a _____.