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师梦圆小学英语教材同步北京版一年级起点一年级上册Lesson 15下载详情
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2. 能听懂、会用“How many …do you have?” “I have ….” 和“How many…can you see?” “Let me count. I can see….”询问物品数量以及应答。

3. 用能eight, nine, ten 表达物品数量,并能整体认读。


5.能听懂、指认并读出单词 a tiger, a tire.

6. 培养学生养成认真倾听的习惯和小组合作意识。能用“I love animals.” 等表达喜爱动物,保护动物的情感。


1.询问和应答物品数量的用语 How many…can you see? Let me count. I can see….和How many…do you have? I have….

2. 认读、书写字母Tt 和认读单词 a tiger, a tire。


1.理解并能在情景中运用“How many… can you see? Let me count. I can see… 和 How many… do you have? I have…. 询问物品的数量及应答。

2. 理解和感受名词复数eight cows, ten ducks。教学过程Warming up

Sing a song.


Leading in

Elicit the numbers from the song. Tell them: There are a lot of numbers in this song. I

have some numbers, can you read? Have the children read the numbers together.

Review the structures for Lesson 13 and Lesson 14. Role play with the children.

【设计意图】 通过复习数字导入本课的话题,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时调动学生的学习兴趣。通过复习前两课的句型来引出本课的重点句型 “How many… can you see.”让学生对本课句型有初步的认识。

Presentation & Practice


1. T: All the children can read the numbers well. So today I’ll take you to a farm. Show a picture about a farm.

T: This is Uncle Jack’s farm. Look, who is coming?

2. Show picture 1 to the children. Talk about it with them.。Ask: “What can you see in the picture?


3. T: How does Guoguo ask? Let’s watch the video.

4. Play the video again. Have the children watch carefully. Then answer “How does Uncle Jack answer?” Try to elicit: “I have eight cows.”

5. Show a picture about cows. T: Let’s count. One, two, three…

6. Have the children listen and repeat.

【设计意图】 通过播放视频,帮助学生理解对话大意,并初步感知 “How many …do you have?”的含义和用法。跟读本课重点句型,强化语音。