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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级上册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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了解并理解交际用语Would you like …? Yes, please.的用法。

Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Review and lead-in

T: Play a game. Speak them in English when you see the words or pictures. Clap your hands when you see Bobby and Sam.

【设计意图:玩游戏能够活跃课堂气氛,让学生迅速进入学习英语的氛围。Bobby 和Sam 的出现为接下来的课堂教学做了铺垫。】

Step 2 Presentation

1. T: In this game, we see Bobby and Sam, right? Look, Bobby and Sam are hungry. They are going to the shop. But what are they going to buy? Let’s watch the cartoon.

S: Some eggs.

2. T: Oh, they are going to buy some eggs. And look, who is the waiter (服务员)?

(教授Mr. Rooster 公鸡先生) Now, Bobby and Sam are coming. What can Mr. Rooster say? How about Bobby and Sam?

S1: Hello! Good morning.

S2: Good morning.

3. T: As we know, they want some eggs, right? So how can they ask questions?

S1: Would you like an egg?

(引导学生看Bobby 表情,学说Yes, please.)

4. T: But what happened? Why do Bobby and Sam look so surprised? Read the sentence on Picture 3 on Page 41.

S1: What colour?

5. T: So what colour? Can you guess?

T: Red, orange, or white?

S1: Brown, yellow, green, red?

6. T: Let’s listen to Mr. Rooster. What does “or” mean?

7. T: What will Bobby and Sam say? (学生自由回答)

8. T: Why do these eggs have so many different colours? I will show you some pictures.

【设计意图:整体看完动画后应逐幅图解读。买东西自然涉及到服务员,在这里可以自然而然地教授Mr. Rooster,因为学生对于书本上没有出现的知识是非常感兴趣的。考虑到学生已经学过一些打招呼的用语,因此在老师适当引导后,学生可以说出各种招呼语来。对于新句型Would you like …?教师要适当做引导,让学生感知并了解其意思。根据Bobby的表情,学生可以推断出答案是肯定的。有了整体看动画的前提,接下来就需要精读课文了,放手让学生去找为什么Bobby 和Sam如此惊讶,找出核心句型。给出不同的结尾,可以让学生加进自己的语言,进行开放性的学习。这节课涉及文化知识,因此需呈现复活节的图片和音频,便于学生理解。】

Step 3 Practice

1. Read after the tape.

2. Let’s dub. (请学生给动画配音)

3. Read together.

4. Act in roles, and try to give different endings.

Homework 家庭作业
